AI-generated art selected for the covers of esteemed mathematics magazine

Four issues of the News-magazine of the Mathematical Association of America featured Pioneer Scholar’s AI-generated

February 4, 2021
News , Pioneer & News , Pioneer scholars
Magazine cover

Four issues of the News-magazine of the Mathematical Association of America featured Pioneer Scholar’s AI-generated artwork on their covers!

202010 Zora Zhang

Pioneer Scholar Zora Zhang conducted her research on the Annealing Algorithm, a procedure for optimizing mathematical solutions. The artwork was generated by programming the approximation simulation as part of Pioneer’s interdisciplinary study, incorporating both math and computer science.

© The Mathematical Association of America, 2020. All rights reserved.


In her Pioneer research, Mingxiao Song created Algorithm based on Rabin-Karp string searching to locate the perfect match for a given string in a document. She produced this artwork by coding the algorithm.

© The Mathematical Association of America, 2020. All rights reserved.

201912 Maximilian

Starting with Poisson disc sampling from a 4-dymansional space, Maximilian Cura generated an algorithm for his Pioneer research to fold it to 3-dymanstional sampling and then flatten to two dimensions as the art work shown as the cover.

© The Mathematical Association of America, 2019. All rights reserved.

MAA Focus 4

Pioneer scholar Julian Lee, from the Pingry School in New Jersey, created the artwork through programming for his mathematical research. The artistic figure above was generated from the output of a simulated annealing algorithm designed to find the maximum independent set in a random graph.

© The Mathematical Association of America, 2019. All rights reserved.

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