Announcing the Nominees for the 2022 Pioneer Research Journal

Pioneer Academics is proud to announce that 128 papers authored by scholars from the 2022

November 22, 2022
Journal nomination , News , Pioneer & News
2022 Pioneer research journal nomination

Pioneer Academics is proud to announce that 128 papers authored by scholars from the 2022 academic year have been nominated for publication in The Pioneer Research Journal, an annual publication showcasing the most outstanding undergraduate-level research and writing generated by the high school students from around the world who participated in this year’s program. 

These scholars come from five continents, 21 countries and regions, and 103 high schools. The nominated research papers present innovative analysis and new knowledge in a wide range of academic fields spanning STEM, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Pre-professional disciplines.

Pioneer Academics’ research program is the world’s only fully-accredited online research program for high school students. These nominated research papers form the capstone of the Pioneer Research Program in which motivated and exceptional high school students from around the world pursue original research under the mentorship of world class professors in Pioneer’s academic system. The scholars enrolled in the program meet online with small international cohorts in seminar-style sessions in their research concentration before moving on to work individually with the professor to generate an undergraduate-level research paper on a topic of their choice.

All of the research papers completed by Pioneer Scholars undergo rigorous academic oversight, each one representing a significant achievement in original exploration and discovery and held to the highest academic standards. The 128 papers nominated for the 2022 edition of The Pioneer Journal, which marks the 9th volume, comprise the top 9% of the papers produced during Pioneer’s 2022 Spring and Summer terms.  The nominated papers will now be evaluated in a comprehensive review process which includes a double-blind review conducted by a panel of more than 40 university faculty from leading institutions in the United States.   

We look forward to announcing the papers selected for publication shortly after the start of the new year. In the meantime, we congratulate the authors of all the nominated papers, each of whom exemplifies the academic rigor embodied by the Pioneer system. For a complete list of nominated papers and authors, please see the chart below.

Scholar name

Scholar school

Scholar countries and regions (by school)

Pioneer research area

Pioneer research topic

Adora Limani

NOVA International Schools


Political Science

The Case of Javna Soba (Public Room) in North Macedonia: How Media Framing of Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence Influences Impunity

Alexander Hahn

Harvard-Westlake School

United States

Literature/Culture Studies/History

Lockean Theories, Tragic Irony, and Total Indoctrination in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go

Alexis Lindenfelser

St. Margaret`s Episcopal School

United States


Nature Protecting Nature: The Use of Plant-derived Organic Compounds to Produce Sunscreens Non-toxic to Coral

Alia Kafil

Casablanca American School


International Relations/Political Science

Entering a Post-Pandemic World: The Top Three Global Risks in 2022-2023 and Strategies on How to Tackle Them

Alp Namalan

Galatasaray High School



A Proposal to Implement Cas-CLOVER Technology in the Treatment of Patients with Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Anna Wang

Cranbrook Schools

United States

Biology/Environmental Studies

How Do Different Fishing Practices Impact Coral Reef Ecosystems, and How Could the Impacts be Managed?

Aradhya Gupta

The Doon School


Economics/Environmental Studies

Characteristics and Productivity of Wine Grape Farmers in Nashik: Evidence from a New Survey

Ary Cheng

BASIS Independent Silicon Valley

United States


Theoretical Limitations of FTIR Spectroscopy

Audrey Chang

Mountain Vista High School

United States

Gender Studies/ STS

Modern Technology’s Effect on Society: How Search Algorithms Intensify Sexist and Racist Biases in the 21st Century

Austin Wu

Santa Clara High School

United States

Engineering/Computer Science

Hardware Acceleration of Sequential Logic Functions in Vector Processors through the Use of a Modified FPGA Architecture

Aziza Isbekova

Nazarbayev Intellectual School Physics and Mathematics



The Use of Trichostatin A and Wortmannin as a Solution to Cisplatin Resistance and Novel Treatment for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

Balazs Kondor

Cate School

United States


Electric Vehicles: Will Electric Cars Lead to a Creative Destruction of the US Car Industry in the Next 10 Years?

Bowei (Alvin) Zhang

Beijing No.4 High School



Combinatorial Game Theory of Chess Endgames

Brennan Lee

Plano West High School

United States


The Revolution of Investing: The Growth of Impact Investing in Venture Capital and Institutional Investment

Carl Sabbagh

Lycée Libanais Francophone Privée

United Arab Emirates


Methods of DNA Nanotechnology: Past, Present, and Future

Changkun (Charles) Shen

Shenzhen College of International Education



A Proposed Mechanism Relating Olive Oil Consumption and Reduction of Cardiovascular Disease

Chujun Liu

Grier School

United States


Patient Centered Medicine: Evolution of the FDA’s Drug Approval Regulations; The Thalidomide Tragedy in 1961 and the AIDS Crisis in the 1980s

Dan Le Thuc

American International School Vietnam


Sociology/Political Science/History

Militancy, Suffragettes, and the Pankhurst: An Examination of the Emmeline Pankhurst's "Freedom or Death"

Dawson Aidan Lin

Phillips Academy Andover

United States


The Giftedness of Life, Right to an Open Future and Procreative Beneficence Explored

Defne Demiral

The Koc School



To What Extent Do Attachment Styles to a Primary Caregiver Affect Depression in Adolescents?

Derek Harrison

Loyola High School

United States


Debussy the Nationalist: Images of the Composer in French National Consciousness During the World Wars

Eliana Svilik

Grover Cleveland Humanities Magnet Charter High School

United States

History/Literature/Culture Studies/Sociology/Art History/Political Science

Against the Grain: Sowing Democracy from the Seeds of Corruption

Ella Beschta Westfall

American International School of Budapest



Erasing Fear: An Investigation into Pharmacologically-Disrupted Fear Memory Reconsolidation Treatment on Spider Phobia

Emily Mansfield

Poly Prep Country Day School

United States

History/Culture Studies/Political Science/Sociology

Riots, Rebellion, and Revolutions: The 1960s News Media and the Civil Rights Movement

Fengyi Han

Blair Academy

United States

Art History/Architecture

Animal Images in Christian Art of the Medieval Mediterranean: Perceptions of the Cultural “Other”

Frances Alexandra Wasito

Mountainview Christian School


Political Science

The Election of Women to Indonesia's Provincial Legislatures: Finding the Factors Behind the Numbers

Guohao (Mark) Lv

BASIS International School Park Lane Harbour



The Relationship betwen Learning Time on Online Learning Platforms and Students' Self-efficacy of Mathematics Learning

Han (Mia) Nguyen

Saigon South International School


Psychology/Gender Studies/Sociology

Homemade Heuristics: Youths’ Perceptions of Gender-Typed Household Tasks

Hannah Pate

The American International School of Guangzhou



Moral Ambiguity in Fictional Characters: The Role of Fandom

Haozhe (Martin) Liu

The Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University



Determining the Form of Dark Matter through Analysis of Variability of Quasars' Magnitude

Heran (Marie) Wang

Concord College

United Kingdom (UK)


Consciousness as the Absolute Other: Hamlet and Prufrock

Hiba Altaf

Brooklyn Technical High School

United States

Computer Science/Education

Lack of Secure Coding Practices in the Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum Contributes to Vulnerabilities in Real-World Applications: A Quantitative Study of Security Vulnerabilities in the Java Curriculum, Student Code, and Oracle JRE Apps.

Huaze (Eric) Xu

Beijing National Day School



A Computational Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2 and BA.5 Spike Protein with a Specific Focus on Amino Acid Mutations in the Coding S1 Domain

Isabella Davidman

Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School

United States

Gender Studies

זכור (Remember): An Analysis of Art as a Reflection of Sexual and Gendered Violence Against Jewish Women During the Progroms (1919-1920s) and Nazi Era (1933-1943)

Ivy Qin

RC Palmer Secondary School



The Effect of Violin Bow Placement on Harmonic Content of a Note

Jason Cheng

Saratoga High School

United States

Mathematics/Computer Science

Ranking English Premier League Football Clubs by Math-based Goal-scoring Ability Relative to the Expected Goals Model

Jeannette Yang

Greenhill School

United States

International Relations/Political Science

A Singapore and Qatar Comparative Case Study: Rise to Riches and Its Ramifications

Jeongho Ha

Korea International School

South Korea

Environmental Studies/Economics/Ecology

Supply-Sided and Demand-Sided Solutions to Fast Fashion's Social Impacts

Jiafu Li

Xi`an Hanova International School


Architecture/Art History

From Decoration to Structure, to Functionality: Organic Architecture Philosophy Transformed into Sustainability

Jiahua (Jason) Zhuang

Shenzhen College of International Education


International Relations/Political Science/STS

Using Sentiment Analysis, Statistical Analysis, and Neural Network Simulations to Analyze and Simulate the Correlation Between Cyberspace Freedom and Development

Jiansheng Zhang

United World College of South East Asia



False Friends: The Pereiaslav Agreement of 1654 and the Divisions between Ukraine and Russia

Jiarong (Luna) Guo

Olive Tree International Academy, BFSU


Sociology/Media Studies

Exploring Commercial Content Moderation: The Double-Edged Effects Autonomy Has on Emotional Labor

Jiatong (Missy) Liu

Keystone Academy



An Examination of Descartes' View on Free Will in the Meditations

Jiayuan Li

Shanghai Pinghe School



Surprising Gender Difference: An investigation of 2022 Shanghai Pandemic-Related food Cravings

Jihane Khemlichi

African Leadership Academy

South Africa

Architecture/Art History

Mudejar Architecture in Medieval Spain: The Journey of the Alcazar of Seville Reinterpreted

Jinghao (Jason) Zhang

Qingdao No.1 International School of Shandong Province



Examining the Effect of Sexual Orientation in Sexual-Orientation-Related Capitalization

Jinghao (Richard) Min

Burnaby North Secondary School



Nikola Corporation: A SPAC-tacular Lie

Jingyue Yang

Shenzhen College of International Education



Using Computational Fluid Dynamics to Analyze the Impact of Opening Doors in an Air-conditioned Room

Julius Dorsey

Regis High School

United States

Sociology/Political Science/Economics

A Qualitative Analysis of Social Mobility, Financial Inheritance, and Wealth Accumulation within Black Households

Kate Y. Kim

The Peddie School

United States


Adaptive Reuse of Temporary Structures for a Humanitarian Purpose: A Case Study of the Jarahieh School

Katherine Ye

University of Toronto Schools



Advancing Artificial Intelligence: An Examination of the Works and Mind of Leibniz to Further Understand Man and Machine

Khanh Nguyen

Deerfield Academy/Saigon South International School

United States

Art History/Architecture

Michelangelo’s Aesthetic Philosophy: Discovering Divine Beauty

Lawrence Wu

Upper Canada College


Political Science

Coup D'etat Trends in the Post-World War II Era

Leyi (Adele) Shen

Wellington College International Shanghai



Effects of Film Music on the Female Gaze

Lianbo Xia

Shanghai World Foreign Language Academy


Psychology/Environmental Studies

Melting Alpine Glaciers: Evidence, Consequences and Public Attitude

Lijie Yin

Shenzhen Middle School



Properties of High Transverse Momentum J/ψ Mesons and Differentiation Between Their Non-prompt and Prompt Production

Lingchen Wang

Shanghai Starriver Bilingual School



A Discourse on Utopia and the New World: Political Models in The Tempest

Linxiang Sheng

Shanghai High School International Division


Media Studies/Sociology/Culture Studies

Displaced By Words: How Does Media Impact Gentrification?

Lixing Li

The Affiliated High School of South China Normal University, International Department



Initial Condition and Parameter Dependence of the Tinkerbell Map

Lucy Lu

Shanghai High School International Division



Modeling the Effects of Macroeconomic Policies on Business and Consumer Confidence During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Mabel Xiaoya Li

Shanghai Starriver Bilingual School


Culture Studies/Anthopology

Bride Trafficking along the Belt and Road Circuit, and Beyond

Mahima Sharma

The International School Bangalore


Environmental Studies/Biology/Ecology

Can the Adverse Impact of Nitrogen Fertilizers on the Environment and Climate be Mitigated by the Use of Sustainable Agricultural Methods?

Matthew Barotz

Scarsdale High School

United States

Environmental Studies

The Potential for Next Generation Nuclear Technology: A Comparative Analysis of Germany, India, the United States, and China

Matthew Moon

Maranatha High School

United States


Symmetries, Dynamics, and Degeneracies of a Mobius Strip in Synthetic Dimensions

Matthew Wang

Shanghai High School International Division



Investigating the Mechanism by Which SARS-CoV-2 ORF3a Accessory Protein Mediates Lysosomal Exocytosis

Mehmet Anıl İşkesen

Bahcesehir High School for Science and Technology



Weak Field Effects of General Relativity

Melissa Tran

Central High School

United States

Film Studies/Gender Studies

The Inevitability of Zombie-hood

Michael Li

Saint George's School



A Computational Study on the Mechanism and the Regio and Stereoselectivity of Metal-mediated Nucleophilic Addition to Gem-difluoroallene

Michelle Kim

Groton School

United States

International Relations/Political Science

“Division in Unity:” Identity and the Korean Unification Process

Mingxuan Li

Nanjing Foreign Language School



Sparse Autoencoder Model Predicts Spectro-temporal Receptive Fields in Various Structures of Mammalian Auditory Pathway

Mukudzeiishe Madzivire

African Leadership Academy

South Africa


The Ultimate Sacrifice: The Symbolic Significance of Self-Immolation in Political Protest

Neelesh Pandey

Gulliver Preparatory School

United States


The Effect of Antioxidants on Olfactory Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease

Nimrat Kaur

Mercer County Technical Schools - Health Science Academy

United States

Gender Studies/Sociology

Race, Gender, COVID-19, and Oral Health from a Patient and Provider Perspective

Olamilekan Aleshe-Shittu

African Leadership Academy

South Africa

Culture Studies/Film Studies/Sociology/Media Studies

Art & The Decolonisation of African Identity: An Essay Exploring the Role of Fela in Movements of Decolonization Across the African Diaspora

Peyton Price


United States


The Power of TikTok: Representing COVID-19 Pandemic Life for Generation Z

Pranav Virupaksha

Lynbrook High School

United States

Computer Science

ViT4SF: Vision Transformers for Solar Forecasting

Pui Han Man

YK Pao School



Seeking the Self in Confessions: How Does the Communicative Nature of Language Shape the Tension in Dostoevsky’s Underground Man’s Self-deception and Strive for Self-honesty (Authenticity)?

Rashad Abdeltawab

STEM High School for Boys - 6th of October



Epigenetic Factors and Synaptic Plasticity in Cocaine Addiction: A Novel Therapeutic Approach

Ruijia Young

Shanghai Pinghe School



Utopia or Dystopia: Metaverse Imagination

Ruiqi (Rachel) Xing

Beijing 21st Century International School


Economics/International Relations

Analyzing Causes of Chinese Internal Migration in 2020: Using the Extended Gravity Model

Runqiu Ye

Nanjing Foreign Language School



Thermal Stress in Thermoelectrically Coupled Nanoantennas

Sadhvi Narayanan

Lynbrook High School

United States

Computer Science

Two-Tier Anomaly Detection for an Internet of Things Network

Sarah Rose Odutola

St. Andrew`s School

United States


“Question Everything”: Jane Jacobs’ Insurgent Rectification of Modern Urban Womanhood Through City Design

SaraVotey Mom

Liger Leadership Academy



The Influence of Injunctive Social Norms Appeal on Behavioral Intention to Participate in Blood Donation

Selina Song

Irvington High School

United States


Offshoring and the Coronavirus Pandemic

Sharon Zhu

Lynbrook High School

United States


Inducing in vitro and in vivo Evolution of multidrug Resistant Pseudomonas Aeruginosa to Reverse Antimicrobial Resistance Using LptE

Shehab Sherif Abd_Alsattar Abdalaziz Mohamed

STEM High School for Boys - 6th of October



Curing T2DM and Obesity by Converting WAT into BAT by Using PLGA Nanostructure of (ECGC, Curcumin, and Piperine)

Shravan Haribalaraman

The International School, Bangalore



Tilings of an n x 4 Board Using 4-minos and 4-squares

Shuhan Cao

German Swiss International School

Hong Kong SAR, China


Localising the Source of Calcium for Slow Adaptation in Cochlear Hair Cells

Shujun (Lucas) Ma

Dunman High School


Sociology/Political Science

Competing Pathways of Nationalism in the Chinese Civil War

Siddharth Bhagwat

Flower Mound High School

United States


A Proposal for a Lipidomic Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Patients with Multiple System Atrophy

Siyang Liang

The Affiliated High School of South China Normal University, International Department



A New Model for the Mechanisms Underlying Tactile Hypersensitivity in Adult ASD

Suhh Yeon Kim

Beverly Hills High School

United States

Psychology/Culture Studies

Returning Comfort to "Comfort Women": The Effect of Korean Traditional Folk Music on Reactivity and Ethnic Identity

Sultana Yeasmin

Bronx High School of Science

United States


The World of Neuroprosthetics: Does Interoception Matter?

Taren Patel

Los Gatos High School

United States

Engineering/Computer Science

Analysis of IBM's Transpiler and Optimizer for Quantum Circuits

Tianyi Yuan

Beijing Etown Academy



Engineering of 1D Photonic Crystals with Improved Efficiency for Thermophotovoltaics

Tianyou Liu

The Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University



Analyzing Song Qingling’s speech “the Freedom and Anti-war Struggle of China” From an Anti-colonial Perspective

Wanyu Zhang

The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China



Identification of Novel Small-molecule Inhibitors for Quorum-sensing Regulator LuxU

Weining Wang

Tsinghua International School


Media Studies

Topic undisclosed

Weiqiao (Maggie) Yang

Suzhou Singapore International School


Culture Studies/Anthropology

Tradition and Modernity: Taohuawu Woodcut New Year Pictures and Suzhou’s Social Landscapes

Xiaochen Peng

Shanghai Pinghe School



Lowering Blood Cholesterol: Making the Case for Novel Derivatives of Atorvastatin with Bovine Serum Albumin

Xiaohan (Emily) Zhang

Wuhan Britain-China school


Environmental Studies

A Review of Non-classic Biomanipulation Experiments at Freshwater Lakes in China and the Factors that Influence their Results

Xiaolan Deng

The Affiliated High School of South China Normal University, International Department


Computer Science

Exploring the Interpretability of the Self-Trained CNN Model for Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition

Xiaqun (Judy) Sheng

Harrow International School Hong Kong

Hong Kong, China


Social Media Use and Body Image Perception: The Development from Children to Adolescents in Rural and Urban China

XinTong (Richie) Su

The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China


Gender Studies/Sociology

Gender, Grammar, and Our Social World: Examining How Grammatical Genders Shape Attitudes Toward Gender and Sexual Diversity

Xinyi Yang

The Bishop Strachan School



Synchrotron Radiation and X-Ray Absorption Analysis Application

Xinyuan Wang

Winston Churchill High School

United States


The Impact of Message Source on Consumers' Attitudes and Purchase Intentions Toward Social Enterprise

Xiping Le

Hwa Chong Institution



Identification and Functional Investigation of Attention-regulating Genes in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Ventral Habenula

Yanzhi Ariel Chen

Keystone Academy


Environmental Studies/Ecology

Dammed Rivers: Hydropower Development Modifies Fish Community Dynamics in the 3S Basin of Mekong

Yaran Zhang

United World College in Mostar

Bosnia and Herzegovina

International Relations/Political Science

Predicting Risks in Bosnia and Herzgovina

Yash Agarwal

Groton School

United States


The Effect of Hypoxic Conditions on Smoking Induced Transcriptional Changes in the Expression of Cytochrome P450 Genes

Yichen Zheng

Shanghai Foreign Language School


Chemistry/Environmental Studies

Application of Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 to Formic Acid Production in China-- a Case Study of Henan

Yifan (Andy) Wang

The High School Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University



Airworthiness Analysis of the Blended Wing Body Configuration by Using ANSYS Fluent as an Investigation Tool: SAX-40 as an Example

Yihui (Angela) Zhong

Shanghai American School


Psychology/Media Studies

The Short-term Effects of Evaluative Conditioning on Body Dissatisfaction and Perception of Body Ideals and Norms

Yiwei Xuan

WLSA Shanghai Academy



The Effects of High-School English Teaching Objectives in Schools that Use Advanced Placement (AP) and Non-Advanced Placement (AP) Curricula in the United States and China on Students’ Academic and Perceived Achievements

Yiwen (Stephanie) Hu

The Bishop Strachan School



Inside the Criminal Mind: Interaction Between Psychological, Social, and Biological Factors in the Development of Antisocial Behaviors.

Yongjae Kim

North London Collegiate School Jeju

South Korea

History/Culture Studies/Political Science

Protests and the Olympic Games: Mexico City 1968 and Seoul 1988

Yuanyuan (Yoyo) Xue

The Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University



The Efficacy of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) in Stroke Rehabilitation of The Upper Extremities: A Scoping Review

Yuchen Chen

Chengdu Foreign Languages School


Environmental Studies

A Review of Epigenetic Effects of Microplastics on Living Organisms and the Further Implications

Yuechen Lin

BASIS International School Shenzhen


Media Studies/Sociology/Culture Studies

Health Misinformation Strategies on Twitter

Yujie Pan

YK Pao School



An Investigation of African American and Caucasian American Students' Educational Outcomes in Relation to Their Ethnic Backgrounds

Yunjia Quan

Charlotte Country Day School

United States


Improving Bit Coin’s Post-Quantum Transaction Efficiency with Novel Lattice-Based Aggregate Signature Scheme Based on CRYTSTALS-Dilithium and a STARK Protocol

Yunze (Michael) Li

Peddie School

United States


An Analysis of the Optimal 3D Printing Material for Compliant Mechanisms

Yuzhou Li

The Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University


Political Science/International Relations

Sub-Saharan and North African Migrant Workers’ Protests in France: A Brief History and Patterns of Contestation

Zanzao Chen

Shenzhen College of International Education


Economics/Environmental Studies

Analyzing the Environmental and Cost Effectiveness of Emissions Trading Schemes: A Comparative Analysis of the US, EU, and South Korea

Zhengyang Guan

Beijing Academy



Polarization, Unemployment, Instability: An Account for the Declining Fertility Rate in the Developed Regions in China

Zita Gloria Ineza Teta

United World College East Africa, Moshi Campus



Black Cumin Oil: A Potential Plant Derived Medicine for Skin Conditions

Zubin Oommen

Eastside Preparatory School

United States

STS/Computer Science

Pandemic Early Warning Systems: A Social Media-Based Approach

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