Announcing the Nominees for the 2023 Pioneer Research Journal

December 5, 2023
Blog , Journal nomination , News , Pioneer News
Announcing the Nominees for the 2023 Pioneer Research Journal

Pioneer Academics is proud to announce that 131 papers authored by scholars from the 2023 academic year have been nominated for publication in The Pioneer Research Journal, an annual publication showcasing the most outstanding undergraduate-level research and writing generated by the high school students from around the world who participated in this year’s program. 


These scholars come from 113 schools representing 17 countries and regions. The nominated research papers present innovative analysis and new knowledge in a wide range of academic fields spanning STEM, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Pre-professional disciplines.


Pioneer Academics’ research program is the world’s only fully-accredited online research program for high school students. These nominated research papers form the capstone of the Pioneer Research Program in which motivated and exceptional high school students from around the world pursue original research under the mentorship of world class professors in Pioneer’s academic system. The scholars enrolled in the program meet online with small international cohorts in seminar-style sessions in their research concentration before moving on to work individually with the professor to generate an undergraduate-level research paper on an original topic they are required to develop.

All of the research papers completed by Pioneer Scholars undergo rigorous academic oversight, each one representing a significant achievement in original exploration and discovery and held to the highest academic standards. The 131 papers nominated for the 2023 edition of The Pioneer Journal, which marks the 10th volume, comprise the top 8.9% of the papers produced during Pioneer’s 2023 Spring and Summer terms.  The nominated papers will now be evaluated in a comprehensive review process which includes a double-blind review conducted by a panel of more than 40 university faculty from leading institutions in the United States.   


We look forward to announcing the papers selected for publication shortly after the start of the new year. In the meantime, we congratulate the authors of all the nominated papers, each of whom exemplifies the academic rigor embodied by the Pioneer system. For a complete list of nominated papers and authors, please see the chart below.

Scholar Name

Scholar School

Scholar Country/Region (by school)

Pioneer Research Area

Pioneer Research Topic

Aashna Kaur Soni

BASIS Independent Fremont Upper School

United States

Biology / Math / Computer Science

Identification of Methylomic and Transcriptomic Biomarkers for Cancer Subtype Classification

Ahmet Tolga Karabulut

İstanbul Bahçeşehir High School for Science and Technology



Comparative Analysis of Economic Growth in Basque Country and Southeastern Anatolia:A Case Study for Autonomous Regions Around the World

Ajooni Kaur

Silver Creek High School

United States

Political Science

Factors Surrounding Women's Political Participation in India: A Comprehensive Analysis

Alikhan Serikuly

National School of Physics and Mathematics



Biochemical Properties and Potential Benefits of Creatine as a Dietary Supplement

Alyssa Grace Vassel

Lee Academy

United States


A Controversial Measure of Discipline: The Immediate and Long-Term Cognitive-Behavioral Effects of Corporal Punishment

Anbang Zhu

Wuxi Big Bridge Academy


Sociology / Media Studies

Regulation and Reclamation: Pepe the Frog Memes and Social Media Moderation


Jakarta Intercultural School


Biology / Environmental Studies

Conservation Status of Sumatran and Bornean Orangutans in Deforested Areas

Angelina H. Wang

Hong Kong International School

China - Hong Kong


Polyaniline: Exploration of a Unique Polymer for Photocatalytic Water Splitting as a Renewable Energy Alternative

Anna Chen

New Explorations into Science, Technology and Math High School

United States


Insights From Acne-Induced Gene Expression Linked With UVB and Melanoma Implicate a Common Skincare Ingredient, Arachidonic Acid, and Reveal East Asian Melanoma Advantage

Annika Vuppala

Skyline High School

United States

Chemistry / Biology

Introducing Annirubicin: A Less Cardiotoxic Therapeutic for Leukemia

Ashley Lee Kim

Korea International School

South Korea

Engineering / Physics

Design of a Narrow Band Hydrogen-Alpha Astrophotography Filter Based on One Dimensional Photonic Crystals

Audrey Chang

Mountain Vista High School

United States

Psychology / Media Studies

The Effects of Gym-Centric Social Media Posts on Young Men’s Body Image and Intentions to use Body Supplements

Batu Yalcin

Robert College of Istanbul


Mathematics / Physics

Proof of the MacMahon Formula for Plane Partitions

Brady Dylan Galperson

Loyola High School of Los Angeles

United States

Business / Psychology

Self- Versus Other-Gain Appeals to Encourage Monetary Donations for Charitable Organizations

Brandon Hu

Biotechnology High School

United States

Neuroscience / Biology

Linking calcium, myosin, and the tip link to mechanisms mediating slow adaptation in hair cells

Brian Eng

Julia R. Masterman Laboratory and Demonstration School

United States


Tackling the Baryon Asymmetry: An Examination of the Sakharov Conditions and Their Importance for Baryogenesis

Bryan Minze Li

Saratoga High School

United States

Computer Science

A Review of Common Cryptographic Vulnerabilities


Kemerburgaz Bahcesehir High School for Science and Technology



An Application Of Bat Features To Flapping Wing Air Vehicles For Improved Aerodynamic Properties

Chase Teichholz

The Bronx High School of Science

United States


Navigating the Chaos: Scientific Advancement and War in the Seventeenth Century

Chengqi Ma

Shanghai Pinghe School


Economics / Business

Associations between Country-Level Digitization, Formation of Imperfect Markets, and Firm-Level Productivity

Chenxu Zhang

Beijing City International School


Business / Psychology

The Relative Persuasiveness of Gain- and Loss-Framed Messages on Changing Drivers’ Attitudes and Intentions to Drive Aggressively

Pak Yi (Cheryl) Chen

Havergal College



The Violence of Category: Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior and its Disruption of Both Cultural and Literary Canon

Chloe Gu

Shanghai High School International Division


Engineering / Computer Science

Design of a Fine Motor Skill Training Smart Toy for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Clara Bahareh Murray

Piedmont High School

United States


Examining Molecular Characteristics and Scent Through Pyrazine Analysis

Courtney Xia

Shanghai American School Pudong


Gender Studies / Sociology

How do sociocultural norms lead to gender segregation and the wage gap in law?

Derrick Dai-Hong Ho

Menlo School

United States

Engineering / Mathematics

Machine Learning Flood Prediction: Using Mathematica’s Predict Function to Forecast USGS River Gauge #11118500 Gauge Height With Precipitation Data

Dingrui Yang

The Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University



The Energy Band Structure of a Quantum Dot Crystal

Eliana Du

West Windsor-Plainsboro High School South

United States

Physics / Mathematics

A Qualitative Comparison of the Fast Fourier Transform and the Morlet Wavelet Transform for Potential Depression Diagnosis Using Resting-State Electroencephalographic Data

Enyan Zhang

George School

United States

Education / STS

Understanding How Students Respond to Technology Use and Their Alignment with the Teacher-Intended Response

Enyi Tan

International Department, The Affiliated High School of SCNU


Film Studies / Gender Studies

Undying Nostalgia: The Curative Imaginary in Zombie Narratives

Ethan Jared Chan

British School Manila



A Proposal to Implement 1D Photonic Crystals with Defect for Biosensing Dengue Virus

Fidha Ara Chowdhury

DeLand High School

United States


The Interplay of Hurt and Healing: An Investigation of the Interconnectedness of Social and Physical Pain

Guqiao Wang

International Department, The Affiliated High School of SCNU



Colonialism and the Anglo-Chinese Curriculum in 19th-Century Hong Kong

Haiyue Li

The Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University


Political Science / International Relations / Sociology / Gender Studies

Life Politics Between Smoke and Mirrors: Behavior and Self-Identity of Female Smokers in China

Haoqing Wang

Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated to SISU


Anthropology / History

Two Generations of the Catholic Experience in China

Hazem Hassan

STEM High School For Boys - 6th of October


Astronomy / Physics

Continuous Gravitational Waves from Gravitars in Quadratic F(R) Modified Gravity

Hengrui Zhu

BASIS International school Park Lane Harbor


Political Science

Ideology-Based Voting and Quality of Democracy: A Correlational Study

Ishitta Groverr

Strawberry Fields High School



To what extent can Behavioral Economics interventions be used to encourage health insurance take-up among young adults?

Jaeha Jang

Cranbrook Kingswood School

United States

Anthropology / Sociology / Literature / Culture Studies / Gender Studies

Applications of and Challenges to Freud’s Oedipus Complex in Hermann Hesse’s Demian

Jaeim Paik

United World College Of Southeast Asia


Anthropology / Sociology / Culture Studies

Environmental support around the world: To what extent are age and birth cohort a factor in determining attitudes towards environmental protection?

Jayce Tenshi Walton

Langley High School

United States


The Code in the Hat: Hamming Codes Applied to Ebert’s Hat Puzzle

Jeremy Tu

Memorial High School

United States

Gender Studies / Sociology

An In(Queer)y Into Title VII: How Bostock v. Clayton County Fails Bisexual and Nonbinary Employees

Jessie Qi-Shan Li

Shanghai High School International Division


Sociology / Political Science

“We are children of the Zhonghua”: Examining the Desirability of Integration Among Ethnic Majority and Minorities in China

Jiahan Lyu

Nanjing Jinling High School


Poltical Science / International Relations

Public Perceptions of Affirmative Action for Ethnic Minorities in the National College Entrance Exam in China: A Content Analysis and Interview Study

Jiaxing Li

Piedmont Hills High School

United States

Computer Science

A Simulated Annealing Approach to Identical Parallel Machine Scheduling

Jiaxun Zhang

The Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University


Economics / Environmental Studies

Harnessing Consumer Power: Exploring Collective Boycotting as a Strategy to Combat Corporate Greenwashing

Jiayi Wu

Shanghai Qibao Dwight High School


Sociology / Political Science / History

Shout through the Air: Rhetoric of China’s Lower-Class "Toilet Girl" as Empowerment and Subversion

Jixuan Wang

Keystone Academy


Sociology / Political Science

The Mobilizing Role of Pictures in Online Protestation: What do Pictures Bring that Words Don’t?

Jordan Sun Labio

The Harker School

United States

Computer Science / Engineering

Building a Mobile Basketball Shot Form Corrector Using Machine Learning

Juhyun Nam

Hong Kong International School

China - Hong Kong

History / Culture Studies

Education and Technology for Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong

Ka Pui Cheung

Shenzhen Vanke Meisha Academy


STS / International Relations / Political Science

Evaluating GPT-4's Ability in Detecting JavaScript Malware

Lal Zeynep Nizam

Hisar School


STS / International Relations / Political Science

Cyber Utopias: Navigating the Boundless Realms of Human Potential in the Digital Frontier

Leshan Xue

St. George`s School


Environmental Studies / Ecology

Phytoremediation: A Promising Approach for Soil Remediation of Environmental Pollution

Lev Ermakov

Skyview Academy

United States


Investigating the Potential of a CRISPR-Cas System SARS-CoV-2 Treatment Administered Through the Nasal Passage

Lyndia S. Lu

Shanghai High School International Division



Predictive Modeling of Nucleoside Analog-Induced Antiviral Resistance Mutations in SARS-CoV-2

Megan Zhang

Branksome Hall School


Philosophy / STS

Three Close Readings and Psychoanalysis of the Doctor in “The Use of Force” by William Carlos Williams

Meixia Li

BASIS International school Park Lane Harbor


Neuroscience / Biology / Psychology / Chemistry

Relaxing Regulations: A Way Out of the Vicious Cycle of Stigma of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in the United States

Mengyue Chen

BASIS International School of Hangzhou


Music / Anthropology

Harmonizing Gender: Exploring Dynamics in Private Chinese Piano Education

Michael Gan

Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong



Reinterpreting Architectural Heritage: Reflecting the Past and Shaping the Future in the Adaptive Reuse of Columbia Circle

Mihaela Petrova Tzvetkova

American College of Sofia


Neuroscience / Biology

Circadian Rhythms and Breast Cancer: Exploring the Molecular Interactions of the CLOCK Gene with Estrogen Receptor Alpha

Mira Steinberg

United World College Mostar

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Culture Studies / Anthropology

The Language of Pain in Biomedicine and in Social Life

Mohamed Mahmoud

STEM High School for Boys - 6th of October


Mathematics / Computer Science

How to be #1 in the IOI? A study on Rating Nations Participating in the International Informatics Olympiad

Moling Fang

Nanjing Foreign Language School


Biology / Environmental Studies

A Review on the Conservation Status of Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus)

Nathan Dai

Canyon Crest Academy

United States

Computer Science

Evaluating Performance and Resource United Statesge for Machine-Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Systems

Nehir Yel

Diyarbakir Bahcesehir College Science and Technology High School


Environmental Studies / Biology

Global Warming and Altered Flowering Phenology: Ecological, Cultural, and Economic Dimensions

Nengyi Jonathan Jiang

Seven Lakes High School

United States

Physics / Computer Science / Mathematics

Can you always hit a hole-in-one?

Netra Mehta

Paramus High School

United States

Economics / Mathematics

A Game-Theoretic Approach to Central Bank Communication

Nisa Akgöz

Konya Meram Science High School



Heidegger’s Notion of the Home with Authenticity: A New Worlding instead of Modernity

Nivriti Puri

Canadian International School of India



The Creation of Music-Induced Analgesia in Chronic Pain Patients through Endogenous Opioid Production: A Narrative Review and Meta-Analysis

Peifeng Huang

International Department, The Affiliated high school of SCNU



Economic Dynamics in ASEAN Countries: A Solow Growth Model Approach

Prahit Yaugand

Mission San Jose High School

United States

Computer Science

Digital Semaphores: Voice Recognition using Visual Microphones

Puxin Zhao

Collingwood School


Economics / International Relations / Political Science

An Analysis and Prognosis of the Volcker Rule

Qianhao Yang

YK Pao School


Political Science

Does the Government’s Use of Emergencies Offer a Justification for Abridging Individual Rights and Civil Liberties?

Qingyu Zhu

Shanghai United International School Gubei Campus


Engineering / Physics

Design of a Photonic Crystal for Early Cancer Detection Using miRNA

Qinli Wu

Shenzhen Middle School


Art History / Achitecture / Sociology

POWER AND IDENTITY IN OPERA: Designs of Modernity in Richard Wagner’s Bayreuth Festspielhaus

Rebecca Li

International School of Beijing


History / Culture Studies

The Incorporation of Female Perspectives in General Portrayals of the Hajj

Ryan Hong

Yongsan International School of Seoul

South Korea

STS / Anthropology

Urbanization and Food Waste in South Korea: An Ethnographic and Cultural Analysis of the Food Supply Chain Dynamics

Serena Kesha

Marymount School

United States

Ecology / Biology

The Role of Hybridization in Angiosperm Diversity

Shaamak Goyal

Monte Vista High School

United States

Political Science / Economics /   International Relations / Sociology

Effects of Social Capital Within Migrant Workers: Social Capital Within a New Japanese Society and Its Economic Impacts

Siddharth Manne

Sreenidhi International School



Biological implications of human space exploration: microgravity and radiation dysregulated genes

Sien Wang

The Masters School

United States

History / Art History / Political Science

Beacon of Faith: A Comparative Analysis of Byzantine and Kyivan Iconography in Eastern Orthodox Christianity

Sihao Jiang

Nanjing Foreign Language School


Chemistry / Biology

Using molecular dynamics simulations to explore the diffusion of diabetes drugs through thermosensitive materials available for microneedles

Siheon Yang

Gangnam International School

South Korea

Economics / International Relations

Trade and Development: A Modified Model Approach and the Role of the Government

Sohan Tarigopula

The International School Bangalore



Investigating the efficiency of antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) and CRISPR as potential treatments for beta-thalassemia

Sophia Ann Smith

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School

United States

Music / Music Theory

Richard Strauss’s Macbeth and Don Juan: A Topic-Focused Analysis

Suhaib Mansour

East River High School

United States

Engineering / Mathematics

A Proposal to Investigate the Aerodynamics of Tilt-Rotor Systems in Transition Mode at Varying Angles of Attack: V-22 as an Example

Tianyi Shen

Nanjing Foreign Language School


Environmental Studies

Treatment of Micro-plastic Related Pollution in Sewages along the Yangtze River: Waste Water Treatment Plants versus Constructed Wetlands

Tingxu Lan

Webb School Of California

United States


An Ethnographical Exploration of Sensory Stimulation in Chinese Hospices

Tingxuan Zhu

Beijing World Youth Academy


Literature / Philosophy

“From Transexual Transylvania” Examining the Concept of the Other in Horror Fiction Through Queer Theories

Tingzhi Di

Nanjing Foreign Language School



The shaped intellectual: an analysis through Fang Fang and the Wuhan Diary

Vadiyah Abbas

Beaconhouse School System



RReducing Neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's Disease by Amerliorating Tau Hyperphosphorylation in Mice Via a Comgination Drug Therapy

Wayne Guang-Yong Liang

Prince of Wales High School


International Relations / Political Science

Tajikistan Political Risk Analysis - CMEC Case Study

Weijia Lou

Shanghai Starriver Bilingual School


Psychology / Media Studies

The Effect of a Cognitive Dissonance-Based Body Image Intervention for Chinese Young Adult Women, Considering Neuroticism as a Moderator

Weitao Ke

Montverde Academy Shanghai


Computer Science

Emergent Communication under Different Agent Populations: Investigating the Impact of Role Alteration on Language Generalizability

Wendi Zheng

Phillips Academy Andover

United States


Finding the Optimal Combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine Drugs for Treating Alzheimer’s Disease Using Machine Learning

Wiann Wilson

Gems Wellington International School

United Arab Emirates

Gender Studies / Sociology / Political Science

What role does a change in political economy play in constructing contemporary moral panics surrounding the crisis of masculinity?

Xiang Wan

Nanjing Foreign Language School



Assessing South Africa's Debt Sustainability: Growth, Electricity Infrastructures and Government Spending

Xiaoguo Geng

Wyoming Seminary College Preparatory School

United States

Environmental Studies / Sociology

Beijing Residential Heating System Electrification History and Future Development

Xin Ru Chew

Shanghai American School- Puxi Campus



The Influence of Variety Within a Positive Intervention on College Student’s Self-Initiation of It and Their Engagement Levels

Xinrui Huang

Shenzhen Foreign Languages School


Economics / International Relations

Coincidence or Inevitability? A Quantitative Study on the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on International Merchandise Trade

Xinyi Yang

Prestonwood Christian Academy

United States

Business / International Relations

Venture Capital Influence and Geographic Factors in Fintech Startup Growth: Insights from a 2017 Sample

Xinyu Liu

Hangzhou Foreign Languages School


Literature / Philosophy / STS

Reframing Aura: Walter Benjamin's Concepts in the Context of Artificial Intelligence

Xiu Lim

Choate Rosemary Hall

United States


Analyzing the Effects of Green Policies on Singaporean Economic Growth using the Romer Growth Model

Yagiz Bayrak

Üsküdar American Academy



Analysis of Chaos and Synchronization of Chaos in Chua’s Circuit Using Permutation Entropy

Yanni Zhu

Shanghai Pinghe School


Economics / Business

Unveiling the Minority Females’ Equality Enigma: Analyzing the Relationship between Educational Attainment and its Multifaceted Determinants

Yeonwoo Kim

North London Collegiate School Jeju

South Korea

Environmental Studies

An investigation into the effect of tourism on water quality on Jeju Island, South Korea

Yerassyl Abilkassym

Nazarbayev Intellectual School Physics/Math Almaty


Engineering / Computer Science

Hybrid Quantum-Classical Convolutional Neural Networks for the Chest X-Ray Pneumonia Classification

Yi Xin

Beijing Huijia Private School


Art History / Architecture

Transformations of the Great Mosque of Cordoba: Deciphering Political and Religious Messages in Medieval Spain

Yi You

Northfield Mount Hermon School

United States


Investigating the Interplay Between E-cadherin Expression and Cancer Cell Metabolism: A Biophysical Perspective

YiFei Zhou

YK Pao School



Isabel in the Gallery: How Art Explain and Sustain Characters in Henry James’ The Portrait of a Lady

Yingying Ren

International School of Amsterdam



Optimal Strategies and Center Control in n-Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe: A Comprehensive Exploration

Yiwei Wang

La Canada High School

United States


Research on Hexagonal Board Tiling Sequences and Its Recursive Formulas

Yizai Yin

Stevenson School

United States

Education / Mathematics

Why do Girls Explore STEM Fields? Unfolding Reasons Behind Female Students’ Decisions to Participate in or Quit STEM Careers

Yizhou Xue

Branksome Hall School



Mitigating the development of Alzheimer’s Disease through cost-effective cognitive training

Youyou Zhu

Buckingham Browne and Nichols School

United States


Poetry Translation in the Age of Machines via Julia de Burgos’ “Río Grande de Loíza”

Yuang Sun

Hwa Chong Institution


Neuroscience / Computer Science

The neuroprotective effects of caffeine on oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction and its impacts on Alzheimer's disease and dementia

Yue Zhan

The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China



Exploring Media Engagement Among Individuals with Visual Disabilities in the Digital Era: A Case Study in Beijing, China

Yueming Qi

The Hill School

United States

Architecture / Art History

The Villa Savoye: Embodiment of Classics and Modern

Yunxi Zhao

Chinese International School

China - Hong Kong

Environmental Studies

Nanoparticle-mediated water remediation: Investigating the efficacy and ecological impact of Biosynthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles for removing heavy metal ions from contaminated water

Yuxuan David Zhang

Tsinghua International School


Psychology / Environmental Studies

Proposal to Investigate Symbiont Shuffling Possible Trigger Points in Coral Bleaching

Yuxuan Li

Saint Michaels University School


Psychology / Gender Studies / Sociology

“Watch Your Language!”: Gendered Derogations’ Effect on the Perceptions of Women

Zhenpeng Liu

Guangdong Country Garden School



Unveiling the Mechanism of Allicin: A Molecular Docking Study on its Interaction with SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease (Mpro)

Zhiheng Mai Mai

Tabor Academy

United States

Anthropology / Culture Studies / Psychology

Appropriation and Adaptation: How European Artists drew inspiration from Japan, West Africa, and Oceanic Islands to Construct Modern European Artistic Expressions

Zhongyi Peng

Shanghai Starriver Bilingual School



A Comparative Study of Empathy-based Pedagogical Strategies in the U.S. and Chinese Educational Curricula

Zhouru Fang

South Hills Academy

United States

Economics / Environmental Studies

To What Extent Does Urban Green Gentrification Promote or Impede Social Justice? A Case Study in London

Zihuan Zhang

Shenzhen College of International Education


Psychology / Neuroscience / Biology

The influence of audio-visual integration on the global-local processing of music in absolute pitch possessors

Ziting Gao

Jenks High School

United States

Philosophy / History

Ad Infinitum: The Freedom-Centered Development of Human Rights Based on the Hegelian Speculative Philosophy of History

Ziting Keven Pi

Saint Georges School


International Relations / Political Science

The Resurgence of “Yellow Peril” Sentiments in an Era of China's Rise

Zixiu Chen

Shanghai Pinghe School


Culture Studies / Anthropology

The “Martian” Register and Shamate Subculture in China: Youths Lost in Chinese Urbanization

Zixuan Hong

BASIS International School Guangzhou


Sociology / Economics

The Effect of Right-to-Work Laws on Labor Unions and Workers

Ziyi Xie

Hangzhou Foreign Languages School



Hexagon Tiling Numbers and Their Identities

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