Mastering the research and writing processes: 2020 Pioneer Scholars experience a revamped and carefully reconsidered curriculum
A critical part of Pioneer’s academic development is the design and enactment of a curriculum

A critical part of Pioneer’s academic development is the design and enactment of a curriculum focused on preparing students for the research and writing process. This curriculum, part of a dedicated effort to identify students’ academic needs and construct effective solutions around them, provides an essential structure and framework that allows high school students to conduct advanced, independent academic research at the undergraduate level. Pioneer has always offered a research training program to address this need, and this year has accomplished a new milestone in upgrading the research methodology curriculum and the way it helps our diverse scholars achieve their goals.

The newly re-designed research training program, now called “Research Seminar” uses a mixed format approach to help students develop the variety of skills they need in order to write an excellent original research paper. Students attend live sessions run by a member of the Pioneer Academics team specialized in facilitating the research seminar sessions. These live sessions focus on higher order critical and analytical reasoning skills and give students the opportunity to connect with their peers across research fields. They also provide an overview of the main topics students need to successfully manage the research and writing processes. Before and after the live sessions, students have access to a variety of multimedia materials that provide foundational knowledge as well as extension and examples of each key skill, allowing each student to learn at their own pace, including reference handbooks and worksheets. Together, these resources provide students a strong platform for succeeding in the Pioneer Research Program.
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