Pioneer’s Academic Standards Ensure Student Research is Respected

When you embark on the Pioneer Research Program, you join not only a community of

December 21, 2020
News , Research opportunities for high school students , Research programs

When you embark on the Pioneer Research Program, you join not only a community of Pioneer Scholars but an innovative research institute. Being a Pioneer Scholar means something because a research paper from Pioneer can be trusted and respected. Pioneer Scholars and faculty are both held to rigorous standards that allow Pioneer Academics to guarantee the quality and authenticity of their work. This is done through joint academic oversight by Pioneer and Oberlin College. In this article, we will explore the key academic standards that make the research of Pioneer Scholars respected. 

Approach to writing

Pioneer views writing a research paper as a holistic learning experience. Tutors in the online Writing Center may support students by providing detailed feedback and suggestions or explaining difficult grammatical concepts; however, Pioneer tutors are not “editors” and they never rewrite any part of papers. Through rounds of revisions guided by the writing coach’s suggestions, students work towards a polished and professional final paper.  At the same time, the Writing Center, the professor, and the program coordinator ensure that each draft reflects a natural progression in a student’s writing and is entirely his or her own work. At US universities, a student found using someone else’s writing in his or her paper may face severe academic consequences, so it is important for young scholars to learn these values early on. Moreover, Pioneer’s approach produces real learning and helps students grow as writers, teaching skills that will be invaluable in their academic careers. 


Accreditation by Oberlin College

The Pioneer Research Program is accredited by Oberlin College.  Upon completion, Pioneer Scholars are awarded college credit, and they can enter the course number on college applications. This accreditation is made possible by joint oversight by Oberlin College and Pioneer to uphold the program’s academic standards. Pioneer continues to collaborate with Oberlin College’s Education Plans and Policies Committee on academic development. 


Faculty standards and approach

Although Pioneer’s mentoring faculty come from a variety of universities and colleges, they are all committed to the Pioneer standards, the standards that represent unparalleled research levels for high school students. Pioneer is proud of its professors who are not only leading experts in a given research area but are passionate about mentoring students embracing Pioneer’s standards.  Pioneer sets strict standards for syllabi, mentorship, and the originality of students’ work. 


Standardized Rubric and Evaluation Form 

Pioneer professors come from diverse research areas, but they all follow the exact same criteria for evaluating students. This ensures fairness and consistency across the board. At the end of the term, professors fill out an evaluation form for each student with clearly defined protocols. Professors give  students a grade according to a precise rubric. Additionally, professors provide detailed comments on the students’ strengths and areas for growth. Because professors work so closely with Pioneer Scholars in the research process, this feedback is highly valuable.  After the professor completes an evaluation, Pioneer acts as the certifying body that ensures both the grade and evaluation of each paper are consistent with Pioneer’s standards. It is one of Pioneer’s key policies that only the professor can make changes to a student’s grade or evaluation. 


Plagiarism Check on All Papers 

Performing plagiarism checks on papers is a commitment to academic ethics.  Academic integrity is the foundation of science and research, so Pioneer’s academic system anchors students’ experience with integrity. This is how Pioneer powers each student’s originality.


Randomized Checks by Oberlin College 

The Oberlin College’s Education Plans and Policies Committee, randomly selects papers from Pioneer’s research areas to make sure all of the standards are being met. Members of the committee carefully read and evaluate the selected papers and then check the grades and evaluations. 


Pioneer Scholars are held to a higher standard than most––and that is why their research commands respect. The strength of the Pioneer community is its commitment to academic integrity and fair and consistent standards. For this reason, admissions officers at top universities know they can trust an evaluation from Pioneer. This sets Pioneer apart from other programs and increases its value on an application.

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