Supporting alumni transition to college and beyond: the Pioneer Academics Alumni Network

There are currently over 2000 alumni of the Pioneer Research Program, from countries all around

July 13, 2020
News , Pioneer News , Pioneer scholars
Alumni network news pic

There are currently over 2000 alumni of the Pioneer Research Program, from countries all around the world. In order to give our alumni more opportunities to connect to each other and to academic, research, and professional opportunities, Pioneer Academics has started an Alumni Advisory Board. The Alumni Advisory Board is made up of alumni who range from current high school seniors to current college juniors, and come from Turkey, Botswana, China, Canada, and the US.

pioneer scholars meeting
A small group session with 12 current Pioneer scholars and two alumni. Eight alumni served as alumni panelists at a recent Pioneer Alumni Panel, which was attended by over 50 current Pioneer scholars from around the world.

When our spring-through-summer and summer cohorts finish this year, an additional 800 Pioneer scholars will become alumni. As a way of enriching our academic program, Pioneer Academics also launched a Student Advisory Board. This student advisory board, made up of ten current spring-through-summer scholars from six different countries: Turkmenistan, China, the US, Canada, Zimbabwe, and South Korea. We are also currently adding new members from our summer term, which will increase our ability to reach more students across different research fields and geographies. The group facilitates opportunities for students to exchange ideas and perspectives across countries and academic disciplines, leveraging their talents and intellectual curiosity to be actively engaged participants and contributors.  We hope that these events help provide an exciting platform to connect our scholars to each other and to new ideas and ways of thinking, and help prepare them to become dynamic members of our Pioneer alumni community. 

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