Pioneer Journal

Pioneer Academics’ Research Journal is not about getting students’ work published. It is a collection of high school research findings that contribute valuable insights to the global knowledge base.

Approximately 2% of papers are selected through a rigorous double-blind review process conducted by a multidisciplinary panel of 40 faculty members.

Latest Journal Announcement

Exciting New Edition Released: Volume 10

We are thrilled to announce the release of the latest edition of Volume 10. All research papers completed by Pioneer Scholars undergo rigorous academic oversight. The selected papers exemplify the high-level contributions that high school students can make to the global research community.

Research Journal Image
  • Computer Science
    Analysis of Testing Accuracy Threshold for COVID-19 through an SIR Computational Model
  • Biology
    Semi-Supervised Classification with Generative Adversarial Networks on Medical Datasets with Limited Size and Label
  • International Relations
    Lebanon: An IMF Case Study
  • Environmental Studies
    Coastal Plastic Management as a Response to Rafting Invasive Species
  • Political Science
    Exit, Voice, and Violence: Contemporary Responses of Non-Hindu Groups to the BJP’s Hindu Nationalism
  • Anthropology
    What is Wolf: Narratives about Human-Wildlife Conflict in Tibetan China
  • Business
    Intangible Assets: The Cause of Veblen Goods: A Breakdown of the Intangible Factors that Drive Pricing Premiums
  • Philosophy
    Bioethics: To What Extent Should Humanity Perceive Eugenics as Applicable?
  • Anthropology
    The Invisible Culture of Pain and the Opioid Crisis
  • Business
    Impact of Entrepreneurial Activities and Innovation on the United States’ Economy from 2011 to 2018
  • Economics
    Adverse Selection in the Chinese Healthcare System: Reducing Information Asymmetry to Optimize the Utilization of Hospital Capacity
  • Engineering
    Computational Fluid Dynamics Pilot Prediction Model of Vulnerable Plaque in the Femoral Artery