Dylan Ong

  • High School:
  • Monta Vista High School

  • University:
  • Cornell University

  • Pioneer Semester:
  • 2022

  • Pioneer Research Topic:
  • A Review of Autoencoders for Detecting SYN FLoods and Network Intrusion Attacks in IoT Devices

Developing an original Pioneer research topic: A Scholar's Story

My favorite part of my experience was the research process. It prepared me to turn the everyday phenomena I see on television into academic terms and papers. It gave me the confidence to continue to write about lived experiences and give me the background to successfully complete other research endeavors. During university applications, I was able to connect with Pioneer Scholars who attended the schools I was interested in. Ultimately, I feel confident going to college, and am ready to explore sociological topics in my future classes.

Stay curious, and in touch

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