Jiatong (Missy) Liu

  • High School:
  • Keystone Academy

  • University:
  • Brown University

  • Pioneer Semester:
  • 2022

  • Pioneer Research Topic:
  • Chained to Knowledge? An Examination of Descartes’ View on Free Will in the Meditations

Jiatong (Missy) Liu

Developing an original Pioneer research topic: A Scholar's Story

I conducted research at Pioneer three times: in 2020 (economics), 2021 (business), and 2022 (philosophy). One key Pioneer takeaway for me is to be more courageous when I contribute to the field of research. I am just a high schooler, and I might feel that I have nothing interesting to say. But it is really important to validate myself, and to know that I do have something interesting to contribute and I could share my perspectives and my views.

Stay curious, and in touch

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