Environmental Studies


Jiaying Pioneer research Journal summary image

Coastal Plastic Management as a Response to Rafting Invasive Species

About the scholar: Jiaying Liu grew up in China and attended Indian Springs School in Birmingham, Alabama, USA. The Research: Plastic in the ocean is one of the greatest concerns in today’s world. Among its lesser known damaging effects is its role in transporting invasive species. Pioneer scholar Jiaying was curious about how different countries […]

This Land is Their Land: How Indigenous Peoples are Crucial to Modern Species Conservation

About the Scholar: Max Podell grew up in the United States and attends Piedmont High School in Piedmont, California, USA. The Research: Max’s research notes that, despite indigenous people’s vast and deep knowledge of successful, localized conservation methods, governments often leave out indigenous people from these conversations, missing out on critical knowledge. He argues that, […]
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